Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Singular and Plural Nouns Continue....

Singular and Plural Nouns      

8.  By just adding –s to some nouns ending in –f or –fe
      chief …… chiefs                 proof …… proofs
     dwarf ….. dwarfs                safe  ……. safes

9. By adding  the inside vowels
man …. men                        tooth ….. teeth
goose …. Geese                   foot ……… feet
mouse …. mice                   louse …… lice

10. By adding –en
ox ….. oxen                        child ….. children

11. No change in plural forms
  sheep …. sheep                  deer ….. deer
  cod …. cod                           salmon …. salmon

12. By adding –s to some unusual nouns. Note where the –s is placed.
      Brother-in-law  …… brothers –in –law
      Passer-by          ……. Passers-by
      Maid-servant  …….. maid- servants
      Man-of-war      ……  men-of-war

13. Some nouns are used only in the plural
      scissors        spectacles           pincers        trousers      shorts

14. Some plural forms are only used in the singular
news            mathematics        furniture           traffic        scenery

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Singular and Plural Nouns

Single Nouns stands for one person, animals, place and thing.
Plural Nouns stand for more than one person, place and thing. Plural nouns are form in many ways, such as by adding -s, -es, -ies, -en, etc
HERE ARE A LIST showing plural Nouns are formed. Study them carefully.
1. By adding -s ,
    boy.... boys                              uncle ... uncles
    book... books                           duck .... ducks
    apple ... apples                          river.... rivers

2. By adding -es, to nouns ending with -s, -sh, -ch or -z
    Class..... classes                   brush..... brushes
    chuch .... churches                box ...... boxes
    kiss  ....... kisses                   branch ... branches

3. By adding -es to nouns ending in -o.
    Buffalo .... buffaloes              mango ..... mangoes
    potato  .... potatoes               tomato .... tomatoes

4. By adding -s to some nouns ending in -o
    piano .... pianos                  radio  ..... radios
    dynamo .... dynamos           bamboo ..... bamboos

5. By adding changing -y into ies
   baby .... babies                     lady .... ladies
   story .... stories                      army .... armies

6. By adding -s to some nouns ending in -y
    key .... keys                        valley ...... valleys
    monkey .... monkeys            day... days

7. By changing -f or -fe into -ves
    loaf ..... loaves                       half ..... halves
    leaf  ..... leaves                       knife ..... knives
    shelf ..... shelves                     calf ..... calves


Friday, 2 December 2011


A Collective Noun is the name of a number of person, animals or things grouped together and spoken of as one whole.
List od Collective Nouns

a company of actors
a host of angels
a troupe of dancers
a board of directors
a party of friends

a school/ class of  pupils
a staff of teacher
an army of soldiers
a choir of singers
a gang of thieves
a swarm of bees
a flock of birds
a herd of buffaloes
a gaggle of geese
a litter of kittens

a troop of lions
a nest of mice
a team of oxen
a flight of swallows
a flock of sheep
a bunch of bananas
a library of books
a peal of bells
a pack of cards
a bouquet of flowers
a suit of clothes
a hail of fire
a crate of fruit
a group of island
a collection of pictures / stamps
a bundle of sticks
a cluster of stars / diamonds
a set/ kit of tools
a hedge of bushes